Las Vegas, 21th century.
Derek, a young talented Poker player is about to face the biggest challenge of his life: beat Sean, his big time rival, to win the tournament.
Sean's provocations leave Derek on the edge, so he goes to his hotel room to concentrate. Suddenly he is transported to an amazing world - and to the biggest adventure of his life.
Lost in this world which looks like a dream, Derek gets his mission: find the 9 wish granting Amulets. And to this he must face horrendous creatures like Goblins, Mages and Ogres.
There are uncountable challenges, but Derek has an ace up his sleeve: the battles are on the Poker table. He will have to show his best skills to defeat his enemies through the cards.
Will our hero gather all Amulets, get back to our world and defeat Sean? It's all up to you! Join Derek in Poker Knight, our first RPPG
(Role Playing Poker Game) ever.
Here, Pairs, Straights and Full Hands worth more than chips: they worth blows and magics that can save distant worlds and turn Derek into a champion.
Are you gonna Fold or All-In?

  • Poker Knight
  • Copyright ®2012 - Instant Games
  • All Rights Reserved
  • Game Producer
  • Leonardo Kasperavičius
  • Character Design
  • Eva Widermann
  • Viktor Fetsch
  • GUI Design
  • Arthur Panov
  • Motion and Effects Design
  • Angelica Woerle
  • Gabriel Verdon
  • Wesley Melchior
  • Music Composers
  • Andrew Kalu
  • Josh Whelchel
  • Jeff Ball (violin)
  • Rich Brilli (guitar)
  • Sound Design
  • Matthew Citroni
  • Niels van der Leest
  • Story and Scriptwriting
  • Mark Barrett
  • Paulo Eduardo Pedroso
  • Rachel Lucien Miranda
  • English Localization
  • Paulo Eduardo Pedroso
  • Chinese Localization
  • Localized by Localsoft
  • Game Programming
  • Leonardo Kasperavičius
  • Ney Estrabelli
  • Lead QA
  • Ale dos Santos
  • Beta Testing
  • Ádamo Morone Nunes
  • Guilherme Ferreira Kawano
  • Edimilson Tavares
  • Felipe Oliveira
  • Marketing Consulting
  • Fabrício Lima Kassick
  • Oscar Nestarez
  • Game Trailer Production
  • Frank Wagner
  • Special Thanks
  • Bruno Carvalho (99 Vidas)
  • Caio Vinicius de Oliveira Vianna
  • Evandro de Freitas (99 Vidas)
  • Fernando Rabello (Epifanica)
  • Izzy Nobre (99 Vidas)
  • Jurandir Filho (99 Vidas)
  • Michiko Nakagawa (Localsoft)
  • Peter McAlpine (Xeno-Striker)
  • Phillip Morris (Localsoft)
  • Ricardo Piologo (Mundo Canibal)
  • Ricardo Quesada (Cocos2d)
  • Samara Tavares
  • Scott Lembcke (Howling Moon)
  • Collaborative Users
  • Matthew Hooper, Chris Sanders
  • JF Boismenu, L.Barney, indalico
  • Mike Devxx, Defard